12th edition of the optoelectronics and photonics winter school
The School will give to about 50 international PhD students and young researchers an excellent opportunity to attend a series of lectures on Photonic Quantum Information Processing. The lectures will be held by internationally recognized experts and will cover both fundamental aspects and applications. The students will have the opportunity to interact efficiently, exchange their knowledge, and importantly, discuss and learn directly from top-level experts in the field.
The school will initially introduce the general concepts about Quantum Information science,with particular attention to their implementation in photonic computing and machine learning.
The school will offer a series of lectures to prepare the attendees on both software (programming languages and algorithms) and hardware implementation (photon sources, detectors and integrated photonic architectures)of nowadays quantum science. Finally, a number of lectures will cover application-oriented aspects, such as Q-random number generators, Q-Key Distribution and Q-imaging.
More info at https://pqip2023.fbk.eu/home
School directors: Mher Ghulinyan , Lorenzo Pavesi
Organizers: EPIQUS H2020 , Fondazione Bruno Kessler – FBK , Università di Trento , Quantum@Trento
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